The CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv brings industrial-grade air purification to commercial settings in a single self-contained unit. CRYSTAL-AIRE is here to improve air quality within a wide variety of indoor spaces where we live, work, learn and play.
The CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv air purifier is desirable for its quick and easy installation. The units run on 120VAC, using a standard Name 5-15 receptacle, and offer three configurations: mobile, wall-mounted, or ceiling mounted.

3 Phase Air Purification: MERV-8 Pre-Filter, Ultra Violet, True-Hepa
The innovative design of CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv combines ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) wavelength technology with high-efficiency True-HEPA filtration to provide continuous cleaning of air in an indoor space. The combination of ultraviolet radiation and True-HEPA filtration captures, irradiates, and filters bacteria, dust, mold spores, odors, and virus particles as small as 0.3 microns which is about 250 times smaller than a human hair.
CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv is 3rd party validated by an independent lab using MS-2 RNA bacteriophage, a non-pathogenic microorganism, to determine the operational efficiency and effectiveness of CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv’s deactivation and filtration system. The lab tests show that the CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv achieves almost 100% of micro-organism deactivation in 15 minutes while the True-HEPA filters out particles as small as 0.3 microns.
How does CYRSTAL-AIRE purify air?
As the air enters at the base of the unit and into the first stage, large particles are filtered out of the airstream by the MERV 8 pre-filter. The air then passes into a second stage, where particles are dosed with high-intensity UVGI energy. In the third stage, the high-efficiency True-HEPA filter captures particles as small as 0.3 microns, and the UVGI high-intensity energy irradiates them. The cleaned and purified air is then returned out through an air diffuser and back into the indoor space. Prior to the air diffuser, there is also an optional fourth stage where the air can pass through a carbon filter to help with odors in difficult environments.
Mobile, Wall, Ceiling configurations
UV-C Germicidal Technology
MERV 8 pre-filter
99.97% True-HEPA main filter
Illuminated On/Off switch
4 Position fan speed selector
EC motor for long life
Laminated safety UV viewing glass
Change filter indicator light
Access door safety switch
120 VAC
4 lockable casters (installed)
Optional carbon filter for odor control
Optional outlet duct flange for negative pressure room air
How to size a CRYSTAL-AIRE air purifaction system?
The application of CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv is dependent on air changes per hour (ACH) or the amount of time it takes to change out or replace all the air that takes up a volumetric space. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) publish recommended ACH for various room types and spaces, refer to ASHRAE or CDC websites for recommended room ACH.
The chart below is to be used for reference only and shows the CFM required to meet the number of air changes per hour (# ACH) based on room size. For example, an ACH of 6 for a 20×30 room with a 10ft ceiling requires 600 CFM.
One CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv set at speed 3 will deliver 600 CFM and achieve the desired room ACH.
CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv Micro-Organism Deactivation
The chart shows that CRYSTAL-AIRE®uv deactivates >94% of micro-organisms in 10 minutes and >99% in 15 minutes.
What areas could benefit from CRYSTAL-AIRE uv air purification system?
Administrative Office
Assisted Living Facility
Conference & Meeting Space
Fast Food Dining Room
Gymnasium/Weight Room
Hotel Lobby
Municipal Center
Offices & Work Center
Passenger Terminal
Police Station
Police Station
Reception Area
Residential Hall
Worship Center
Waiting Room
Retirement Center